Why mobile?
At 57%, Latino smartphone penetration is higher than the general population. In fact, Latinos are 28% more likely to own a smartphone than non-Latino whites.*
They outpace all ethnic groups in mobile data consumption including music and picture downloads. Indeed for many Latinos, their mobile device is their sole communication tool.
The SusPing platform is optimized for easy mobile browsing.
Through mobile, SusPing offers contextual, in-the-moment access to Latinos in their daily lives.
*+Source: Nielsen Q4, 2011 Mobile Hispanic Insights Report
Mobile/Web features
• Upload photos and videos
• Access feeds
• "Like" and comment
• Cross-platform smartphone

Community is particularly important to Latinos, making qualitative an intuitive research tool.
U.S. Latinos spent $17.6 billion on mobile devices and more than $500 million on mobile apps in 2012.